Thank you for your interest in
PRIMA International School.

One of the most important tasks that parents must do is to choose the right school for their child. We welcome and encourage prospective parents to visit PRIMA campus and its facilities.

Please note that waiting lists exist for some year groups so parents are encouraged to apply early to secure a place at PRIMA.


Applicants from all backgrounds, nationalities and education systems will be considered.

Admission is dependent upon four things:

  • • A place being available in the year group in for which admission has been applied for
  • • A parent interview with the Head of the PRIMA International School, Ms Brigitte MacIntosh After the interview you will be offered a tour of the school and a child assessment will be scheduled
  • • School reports from the child’s last or current school
  • • Completed Enrollment and Medical release form, signed School contract and submitted all the other forms requested by the school

Tuition fees

Please note that our School Fee Schedule is available during the scheduled interview with the Head of the school or via email package for prospective parents living abroad.

PRIMA all inclusive school fees include:

Daily warm school lunch

Morning break fresh fruit snacks

Day trips
(museums, fairs, exhibitions, theatres etc.)

1 full day excursion within Serbia

Use of all books and equipment

P.E. kit (shorts and T-shirts)

Internal Checkpoint Exams

Secondary Cambridge exam fees
(Year 11 - Year 13)

Primary after school clubs
(Year 1 - Year 6)

Child insurance during the school day

The PRIMA School Bus Service is optional and subject of additional charge on top of the regular tuition fees.

For more information please email or call our School secretary Ms. Marija Pucic +381 11 369 08 25